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3 Years Old

Amber is truly a special girl. Her adorable puppy eyes and sweet personality would make her a wonderful addition to any lucky household. Getting to know her has been an incredible journey!

From the moment she arrived, it was clear that she was a timid soul, still trying to find her footing in a new and unfamiliar environment. Watching her slowly grow in confidence has been an absolute pleasure, as she has blossomed into a wonderful, loving companion.

Though initially hesitant to trust us fully, Amber has made remarkable progress, revealing her gentle and affectionate spirit. It’s been a privilege to see her transformation and let me tell you, she is turning out to be a real gem.

Once Amber feels comfortable and knows she can trust you, she becomes the sweetest and kindest girl, with a heart full of love. She may not always show this side of her during initial meetings, especially with new people, but we know that the right family will see beyond her initial shyness. They will recognise the incredible love and loyalty she has to offer. 

Her journey to trust may take time, but it’s a journey that is well worth taking. Every moment spent with Amber is an absolute pleasure, as she often surprises us with her adorable and playful antics that never fail to bring a smile to our faces.

Amber is nice and vocal in the kennels, clearly telling us what she wants and when she wants it! After her morning walk and breakfast, she will quickly settle down and sleep off all the excitement, showing off her easy-going nature. 

What truly stands out about Amber is how much she loves life. She loves her food, her walks, and the special humans who have earned her trust. Being around her is such a joy, and she has a way of brightening up even the dullest of days. Her love is a one-of-a-kind experience, something truly special.

Amber is currently kennelled alone, as she’s quite particular about her kennel mates, but she previously shared her space with Tom, a small and calm boy. We believe she would thrive as the only hound in a home, although a calm and relaxed greyhound companion could also be a great match, helping to boost her confidence and show her that life isn’t as scary as it sometimes seems.

During her dog test with Blossom, Amber was understandably nervous and unsure, preferring to stand close to Blossom without much interaction. Though she wasn’t interested in engaging, it was clear that she has no malice toward other breeds she simply prefers to go about her walk without fuss. 

Given her nervous tendencies, we believe Amber would do best in a calm, adult-only home or one with older teenagers, where she can come out of her shell at her own pace with the proper support. A busy household or one with young children might be too overwhelming for her, stopping her from truly thriving. 

We worry that Amber, being both nervous and black, might be overlooked by potential adopters, which breaks our hearts. But we promise that anyone who takes the time to meet Amber and gives her a chance will never regret it. She has so much love to give and is just waiting for the right family to allow her into their hearts and home.

We can’t wait to see Amber find the perfect home she so desperately deserves. If you’re looking to make a real difference in a dog’s life, consider adopting Amber today. She’s ready to give all her love to the family willing to open their hearts to her!
