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4 Years Old
Fun Loving

With a face full of character and a personality to match, Gilly is simply irresistible. This gorgeous greyhound is the sweetest and most playful dog in the kennels, radiating joy and happiness wherever she goes. 

Her presence has a magical way of lifting spirits, even on the hardest days. There’s never a dull moment when Gilly is around. Her infectious energy and positive demeanour make every day brighter. She’s an incredibly precious soul, and her wonderful nature makes her impossible not to love.

Gilly has an endless amount of love to give and loves to be loved. She’s deeply affectionate and thrives on the attention and affection she receives from us humans. Spend just a little time with her, and you’ll see that her tail never stops wagging! She loves being with her favourite people, always wanting to be involved and close. 

Gilly is truly a "people dog" through and through, happiest when she’s out and about with humans or snuggled up for cuddles. Her fun-loving nature shines through in everything she does—whether she’s playing or showing her softer, affectionate side. She has the perfect balance of playfulness and kindness, making her an ideal companion.

For anyone looking to welcome a greyhound into their lives, Gilly would be a fantastic first choice. She’s the perfect ambassador for the breed, sure to convince anyone to fall in love with greyhounds. 

Her time outside the kennels has been full of new experiences, and she has handled every situation with grace and confidence. During her socialization trips, Gilly encountered other dogs, children, and heavy traffic without any issues. Whenever she felt unsure, she would check in with her humans, which is a heartwarming and endearing trait.

In every way, Gilly has proven to be an extraordinary dog, and we couldn’t be prouder of how well she has adapted and grown. She’s ready to bring boundless love, joy, and loyalty to her perfect forever home where she can continue to thrive. 

Gilly is truly a versatile and adaptable girl, ready to fit seamlessly into the right forever home. Whether it’s a family environment with children or a calm, adult-only household, Gilly will thrive in either. She’s happy and comfortable around children, making her the perfect playmate for those looking for a good-natured and loving companion. But she’s just as content in a quieter setting, soaking up all the attention from her humans, knowing she’s the centre of their world. 

Currently, Gilly shares her kennel with Joe, and they get along wonderfully. Her sociable nature extends to other greyhounds, so she’d happily live alongside another dog in her forever home. However, Gilly is also independent and quite comfortable in her own company, so she would do just as well as an only dog. 

We often find Joe on the floor while Gilly is happily roaching, spread out across the bed—proof that she wouldn’t mind having a cozy bed all to herself! Her ability to adapt to different living situations makes her a fantastic match for many different home environments. 

Gilly’s interactions with other dogs have been equally delightful. During her dog test, she greeted Blossom with a wagging tail and wonderful manners. After a lovely introduction, they walked side by side, sniffing the same spots without any issues. 

Gilly’s friendly demeanour around different breeds is heartwarming to witness, and it’s clear that she enjoys their company. Her easy-going nature around other dogs, whether greyhounds or different breeds, is just another testament to her wonderful temperament.

In addition to her beautiful personality, Gilly comes with some lovely little bonuses. She travels exceptionally well and has no hesitation in hopping into the boot of the car. The moment the boot opens, she’s in—spreading out and making herself comfortable for the journey. 

It’s just another example of how much Gilly loves life, finding joy in every new experience and moment. Watching her explore the world with such enthusiasm is truly a delight, and she has a way of making each day feel special for those around her.

Whoever is lucky enough to bring Gilly into their life will be guaranteed a lifetime of love, laughter, and joy. She’s a one-of-a-kind greyhound who is sure to fill her future family’s hearts and home with endless happiness.
