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4 Years Old
Sweetie Pie

I have to admit I do have a soft spot for this girl she just has something about her that has really captured my heart. Gracie is beautiful inside and out. Just look at that gorgeous, powdered face. Her looks are just the beginning of what makes her such an incredible girl. 

She has the sweetest personality that instantly melts your heart. She’s the kind of dog who can turn the hardest of the days into a breeze, bringing a sense of calmness and ease wherever she is. 

She is super chilled out and relaxed in the kennels. She is such a pleasure to take care of each day. She has also got such a cheeky and playful side to her. If you adopt Gracie get ready for some fun-filled moments with her and endless laughter when she is around. She is an exceptional dog who would make a best friend for life. 

She is currently kennelled with Bondi whom she has become the best of friends, they instantly clicked. Gracie gets along with all her kennel mates, she has shared with both males and females. No matter the gender Gracie will happily live alongside other greyhounds in the home. 

When it comes to Gracie's dog tests she does struggle. She tends to fixate on the spaniel and becomes a bit frozen. There is a lot of potential in Gracie when it comes to little dogs and with the correct training and support Gracie will improve and thrive.

We are here to help whoever decides to take Gracie on, ensuring she will thrive in her forever home. It will just take that extra bit of patience and guidance to help her overcome her challenges. 

Gracie does have a love for the rabbit holes out on her daily walks! She can't resist sticking her nose down them, there is something very intriguing about those little holes. She’s a funny girl when she wants to be.

Gracie has shown great potential when she had a trip down to the park. She managed to walk past some other breeds of dogs at a distance with not much of a reaction. This has shown us how much progress she can make with little dogs as time goes on. 

Gracie was struggling on the lead with being calm but with the aid of a harness, her walking has improved greatly. She has become much calmer on the lead and taking her for walks is an absolute pleasure.

We just can't help but adore Gracie and we know once she overcomes her difficulties with passing her dog test, she's going to be an absolutely amazing dog.

We understand that it may take a little longer to find Gracie her perfect match. Gracie is not difficult in any other way. She is so well-behaved and lovely, it's just her prey drive holding her back. 

I will be very jealous of whoever gets to keep this gorgeous girl in their life as she is so special and kind-hearted. She will brighten each day and fill your heart with endless amounts of love.

Trust me Gracie is a real gem!
