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Experience Required

We pride ourselves on being a responsible rehoming centre. We put the dogs first by ensuring each one finds their perfect forever home in matching them based on their needs and personality.

Each dog’s behaviour is assessed to establish their suitability in socialising with other breeds out and about, but also regarding living with other breeds, children and even other species!  To do this we assess each dog with Blossom and Bumble the working Cocker Spaniels, and in very rare instances with a cat if we feel they have the right temperament. This gives us a good idea of what level of experience the home has to be for that dog.

We provide honest and open descriptions of each dog and ensure all details are given to potential adopters.

The colour chart is a rough guide.  Bear in mind that many of the Yellow, Orange and Red dogs would happily live with children, the Purple ones have the potential to live with younger than 16, and Pink dogs have the potential to be only dogs, so make sure to read the blurbs fully.  However, it is important to trust in the staff to successfully match you with your perfect dog, as you may find yourself matched with a different colour level than you expected.

As one of the few rehoming centres that home with children, we take our time to ensure the most suitable match.  While greyhounds make excellent family pets and do very well living with children due to their incredibly passive, laid back and affectionate nature, we will generally list dogs as Blue, and more frequently Purple.
Do not be disheartened by this if you do have younger children, we want to ensure that every greyhound that we rehome...stays in that home!  So we take extra care in choosing which dogs are most suitable to go home with young children so it is all smooth sailing!

But, regardless of the home situation, whether it is adult only, with children, with other dogs or even with cats, matching with your perfect dog takes time!  Although with new dogs arriving constantly throughout the year, your perfect dog may just be around the corner!

For more information, to register interest in adopting, request a copy of the First Steps Guide or to discuss any of the dogs available, please call 01621 788315 or drop us an email on

Benji Benji
3 Years Old



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Gypsy Gypsy
5 Years Old



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Gilly Gilly
4 Years Old



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Steel Steel
3 Years Old



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Kyte Kyte
3 Years Old
Cuddle Monster



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Robby Robby
3 Years Old



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Alex Alex
8 Years Old
Special Boy

Alex is a gentle and affectionate greyhound with an old soul, known for his calm and loving nature. He enjoys the simple pleasures in life like slow walks, cuddles, and lounging around. Fully socialized and comfortable with other breeds, Alex is easy-going and adaptable. While he enjoys his own space and would do well as the only dog, he could also thrive with another calm hound to help him feel secure. Due to his sensitive nature, Alex is best suited to an adult-only home or one with older teenagers, where he can enjoy a quiet, laid-back lifestyle. His sweet, charming personality will bring immense joy to the right family.

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Amber Amber
3 Years Old

Amber is a sweet and sensitive greyhound who has blossomed from a timid girl into a loving companion. She’s shy at first but warms up once she feels safe, revealing her affectionate and playful side. Amber did well in her dog test but was nervous, preferring to avoid interaction. She would thrive in a calm, adult-only home or one with older teenagers, where she can continue to build confidence at her own pace. While she prefers to be the only dog, she could potentially live with a calm, easy-going hound who can help her feel secure. Amber's gentle nature and loving heart make her a special addition to one lucky family!

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Bronte Bronte
3 Years Old


This girl is truly special. She is sassy, sweet, and loving, with a heart of gold and a kind and sensitive soul. Bronte is looking for a home with another hound or two to help her transition into home life. She would prefer not to live with children, so an adult-only home is what she is after. She will make an exceptional companion.

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Edith Edith
5 Years Old
Special Girl

This girl is a true gem. She holds a special place in the hearts of everyone here at the kennels. Once she opens her heart to you, she will love you unconditionally. She is a beautiful soul. Edith would thrive in an adult-only home or one with teenagers; she would struggle with children. Edith has passed her recent dog test and is a polite and well-mannered girl. You will not regret taking this girl on!

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Sinatra Sinatra
4 Years Old

Sinatra may not sing like Frank, but he will certainly steal your heart with his charm. He is incredibly beautiful inside and out. He is laid back, calm, and kind-natured, making him a perfect companion. He would thrive in a chilled-out lifestyle with adults, teenagers, and older children. Sinatra has not passed his dog test and does have anxiety around other breeds. Sinatra is a real catch!

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Syd Syd
2 Years Old

Just look how adorable this boy is! Syd has those adorable puppy eyes that can melt anyone's heart. He's a silly and sweet boy who would do well with older kids, teenagers, and adults. Syd needs a confident handler in his forever home as he can get a bit overwhelmed around other breeds. But trust me, he's a special and loving boy who will bring so much joy into your life!

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Lemon Lemon
4 Years Old

This boy is beautiful both inside and out. His affectionate and compassionate nature makes him a joy to be around. He is a laid-back cuddle bug who has a lot of love to give. Lemon would happily live alongside older children, teenagers and adults. Lemon did not pass his dog test, he was a little unsure, but we know with time and patience he will be able to pass! With a heart as sweet as lemonade, how could you resist adopting him?

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Alan Alan
3 Years Old

Take a look at this handsome boy! Alan has a wonderful and loving nature. We call him the BFG because he's so irresistible. Alan has been with us for a long time due to his reactivity towards other dog breeds, so we're looking for an experienced owner for him. Alan will do well with older children, teenagers, and adults. He's a gem and a favourite among all the staff, volunteers and students!

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Gracie Gracie
4 Years Old
Sweetie Pie

Gracie is beautiful inside and out. Just look at how gorgeous she is! She has the sweetest personality that instantly melts your heart. She is cheeky, loving, and human-motivated. Gracie has not passed her dog test, but with the right family, we know she will improve with other breeds. She would love to live with older, dog-savvy children, teenagers, and adults. Trust me, Gracie is a true gem!

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Jim Jim
6 Years Old

Jim is a very lovable and sweet soul who has a lot of love to give. He is an affectionate bundle of joy and an important part of our Clarks Farm family. Jim is one of our more challenging dogs to home, which means he needs an experienced and confident handler due to his reactivity. He would do well as the only dog in a home with adults and dog-savvy teenagers. We would prefer for him to live in a quiet area so he can thrive. The decision to welcome Jim into your heart and home will not only be fulfilling but also one that you will never regret. 

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